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Become a member
We have different levels of membership based on trainings completed. Choose which type of member is the best fit for you.
We can't wait to meet you!
General Members -
General Members are licensed therapists who have taken an approved EFT Externship and are members of ICEEFT.
General member may vote, join committees and/or sit on the Board and attend quarterly meetings for free.
Annual fee - $60.00 Click HERE to pay
Affiliate Members -
Affiliate Members are licensed therapists who are interested in EFT and its growth in Texas.​​
They HAVE NOT yet taken an approved EFT Externship nor are member of ICEEFT.
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Once an affiliate member has attended an approved EFT Externship, their status will change to "General Member."
They are not eligible to vote or sit on committees or the board.
They can attend quarterly meetings for free.
Affiliate members may not appear in the CTCEFT directory.
Annual fee - $60.00 Click HERE to pay
Student Members -
Student Members are current students at accredited universities/colleges in a masters or doctorate program with a major in some form of clinical therapy.
They are not eligible to vote or sit on committees or the board.
Annual fee - $20.00 Click HERE ​to pay
Benefits of Membership
Community Support
Be a part of a community of therapists who practice the way you do, and want to learn from each other as well as experts in the field.
More Online Presence
Find more clients with your name and contact information on our site as well as information about therapy using EFT.
Future Events and Trainings
Check in regularly to find local webinars, community meetings and trainings to participate in and attend. Find and connect with EFT trainers and supervisors.
Research shows that couples who experience Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT) therapy show that 70-75% move from distress to recovery, and 90% show a significant improvement in their relationship quality.
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